Free Analysis
We’ve got the information you’re looking for
Once your ads are live you can get reports to see how they are performing and stay in control of your product data. You can also run A/B tests to see which performs best.
We’ve got the information you’re looking for.
Once your ads are live you can get reports to see how they are performing and stay in control of your product data. You can also run A/B tests to see which performs best.
Make better decisions with product insights
Your dedicated account manager will work with you to make sure your reporting account is set up for success, at no extra cost.
Customisable reports

Stay within budget and manage your marketing desicions thanks to greater visibility of your advertising campaigns. Your tailor made reports can be scheduled to be viewed in the application or automatically emailed. A lot of key data can be compiled at any level of granularity to be accessed and interacted with in the system.

You won't need additional software to cover your requirements, but you'll be able to connect your data to any other reporting software via API. We'll be happy to help you work the way you want to.

Actionable data

Experiment with your marketing strategy with our integrated A/B testing functionality, and arrive at the most fitting solution for your business.

For your convenience all necessary tools are available to you right within your product data feed.

Monitor performance

Get real-time feedback on your campaigns to reach audiences at the right moment, on the right device.

Update and automate campaigns in minutes. Spend more time where it matters—on the analysis rather than keying in and correcting your data.